Victoria Beckham’s Jaw- dropping Confession: ‘I bedded David Just Hours After Meeting Prince Charles!’

An explosive new biography of the Beckhams has claimed that Victoria and David had their first sexual encounter “hours after meeting King Charles”.
The revelation was made by biographer Tom Bower in his newly-released House of Beckham, which is full of tantalising claims not only about the couple but the royal family.
Victoria, 50, allegedly made the revelation to the press when questioned about her sex life with the footballer.
’I’m blissfully satisfied with my man,’ she said about their first sexual experience,” Bower wrote.
“It happened, she chortled, hours after meeting Prince Charles. Thereafter, she said, Beckham was ‘a total animal’ in bed.
This was followed by the revelation that David liked his pet name “Golden Balls”, which was revealed to the entire world in an interview with Michael Parkinson.