Serena Williams’ father Richard once opened up about his struggle to cope with his own father’s abandonment of their family. The American revealed how the...
A recent outburst that has ignited a storm of controversy in the music industry, Kid Rock has made headlines by calling for Taylor Swift...
Baseball fans were anything but welcoming towards Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift after the power couple graced Yankee Stadium for Game 1 of the...
In a surprising revelation, Justin Bieber has reportedly admitted to having intimate encounters with both Meek Mill and Diddy. The statement has sent shockwaves through...
Travis Kelce has taken a hammering on social media for posting a series of photos on his Instagram account – while much of the country...
Sofia Vergara has not yet dared to admit that she has something special with Dr. Justin Saliman, with whom she has been romantically linked in...
A man who is suspected of stalking Emma Watson has been arrested in Oxford after turning up at her university and demanding to see her. ...